Summer, winter and sports uniforms, as well as bags and accessories, are available from The School Shop at 23 Winchester Street, Highgate (opposite the Middle and Senior School Main Reception).
Uniform Information
ELC and Primary School Uniform Information
Middle and Senior School Uniform Information
Uniform Price List - prices subject to change (correct as at September 2024)
School Shop Opening Hours
Term Time Hours
General trading – no appointment required.
- Monday: 8am - 4pm
- Wednesday: 12.30pm - 4pm
- Thursday: 12.30pm - 6.15pm
- Friday: 2.30 - 4.30pm (Terms 1 and 4)
(Closed on Public Holidays)
Uniform Orders
Phone 08 8291 9302 or email your order to
Our staff will contact you for payment and let you know when your order is ready for collection.
Students in Years 7-12 are emailed to advise when their orders are ready to be collected. For students in ELC-Year 6, email advice is sent to parents/caregivers.
Secondhand Clothing
Uniforms can be donated or sold on consignment.
Download a consignment form
Summer Uniform Reminders
ELC and Primary School
- ELC students wear the sport uniform only.
- Broad-brimmed hat when outdoors. Hats are to be worn from 1 September to 30 April.
- Black school shoes. Navy sandals are optional but worn without socks.
- Blue jumper with logo.
- Girls: summer dress. White crew length socks. Alternatively, girls may wear navy shorts and the summer blouse. Year 5-6 students may wear the navy pleated shorts and summer blouse.
- Boys: short sleeve summer shirt, blue shorts and navy knee high school socks.
- PE uniform is worn on the days students have PE.
Middle and Senior School
- Blazers are only required at formal occasions in Terms 1 and 4.
- Middle School - blue jumper with logo.
- Senior School - grey jumper with logo.
- Straw hats - recess and lunch breaks.
- Sports cap or sun-smart hat during PE when outdoors.
- Black lace up shoes - no sandals.
- Girls: summer dress - no shorter than the top of the knee or navy pleated shorts and summer blouse. White crew socks or CC logo socks.
- Boys: navy shorts with short sleeve shirt, or long sleeve shirt with tie and belt. White ribbed crew socks or CC logo socks.
Get in Touch
For all uniform enquiries, please contact our School Shop Coordinator, Mrs Juli Glaser
Phone 08 8291 9302